Reorganização Patrimonial com Emplaquetamento EN - SETAPE

Asset Reorganization Service with Placards with Codebar Tag

By conducting an Asset Reorganization Service with Placards with Codebar Tag with Setape, you are ensuring that the valuation of your assets will be done correctly and accurately.

What is the Asset Reorganization Service with placards with codebar tag?

Every company manager must, by legal and accounting obligation, have a tracking of its fixed assets account such as: acquisitions, write-offs and changes in their assets.

However, is commonly the company’s fixed assets are not updated or the analytical list of assets does not even exist.

Asset reorganization has the primary function, as the name implies, to restructure the fixed asset base. Whether reorganizing an existing base, or even creating a new one.

Asset control and management are fundamental for companies, as they are constantly faced with situations that force them to know the book values ​​of their assets in order to calculate individual depreciations.

In addition, the correct identification helps the control and management of each asset and consequently the investment made by the company.

After asset reorganization, the entrepreneur or manager will have information about his assets in order to make decisions regarding the management of the company’s assets.

In a patrimonial reorganization for personal property, a tag with unique barcode is usually affixed to each asset. This information will be loaded later on the company’s fixed assets data. This procedure facilitates the control of each asset.

What are the benefits of carrying out asset reorganization with barcode tag?

Among the benefits of a patrimonial reorganization with barcode tag we can highlight:

  • Adequate knowledge about assets to assist in strategic decisions
  • The correct identification though barcode tag, helps the correct accounting booking of each asset;
  • Ease of obtaining the result of a period through cost centers, areas or departments;
  • Have the depreciation analyzed through technical useful life of each asset;
  • Compliance with tax requirements
  • Improve the managers’ view of the company’s equity and investment capacity;
  • Make the balance sheet reflect the real situation of the fixed assed of the organization;
  • Give subsidies to raise financial resources if necessary;
  • Comply with the various laws in force as: accounting opinions, IFRS, among others
  • To properly contract insurance that really reflects the real values ​​of fixed assets;
  • Having the company prepared for future operations, such as mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, corporate restructuring, incorporations, etc.

What are the related services of a patrimonial reorganization that are made by SETAPE?

The asset reorganization can, in addition to the above, assist in processes such as:

  • Impairment test (CPC01),
  • Financial guarantee,
  • Concessionary Tariff Reviews,
  • Merger, acquisition, sales, incorporations,

Reorganization can cover different types of assets, such as:

  • Machines and equipment,
  • Industrial Installations,
  • Furniture,
  • Computer Equipment,
  • Airplane, boat,
  • Operational Stock Materials,
  • Land,
  • Apartments,
  • Rural properties

What is the methodology used for an asset reorganization with barcode tag?

The general methodology used in the asset reorganization consists of:

  • Planning of services and identification of assets to be reorganized,
  • Analysis of the accounting files of fixed assets,
  • Physical inventory in order to verify the existence of each asset with identification or complementation of its barcode tag (if any),
  • Physical accounting reconciliation,
  • Analysis of physical and accounting surpluses,
  • Definition, together with the client and, if possible, with the auditors of the remnant cleaning procedures of the surpluses (both accounting and physical),
  • Generation of the reorganized fixed asset file,
  • Batch Input processing (routine that processes the record updates in the Client’s Asset Control System).

Technical Standards

Setape’s valuations are always carried out with strict observance of all guidelines set by the ABNT Standards – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards and Ibape Nacional – Brazilian Institute of Engineering Valuations and Expertise.

Why hire Setape?

Complete Advisory

The only company that performs all services of valuation of movable and immovable property, urban and rural, valuation of companies, and has support for asset control (fixed assets).

Proven Experience

With 45 years of activities and more than 80,000 services performed, it is the company with the most experience in evaluating the fixed assets market and in economic evaluations.

Qualified Team

It has its own team with more than a hundred professionals from all specialties.

Satisfied Customers

Quality of services proven by its customers

International Coverage

It belongs to the VRG – Valuation Research Group of international valuation companies with service coverage on all continents

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