Outsourcing – Controle de Patrimônio do Ativo Imobilizado EN - SETAPE

Outsourcing – Fixed Assets Property Control

Outsource your asset management

Outsource your asset management

Outsourcing of asset management or Outsourcing – Fixed Assets Property Control, can be the best way for companies that do not want to worry about managing their assets

Outsourcing of Asset Management

  • Accounting classification of assets
  • Physical classification of goods
  • Identification of assets with the fixation of property plates
  • Launches and closes for accounting
  • Erp integration
  • Monitored property audit routines

Learn more about asset outsourcing

Asset outsourcing is based on maintaining company controls. As this area is very dynamic and requires specific controls, in many cases companies choose to follow the path of outsourcing, given that asset management requires people focused specifically for this function. In some cases, companies take advantage of professionals for functions other than asset management.

In addition to Outsourcing, Setape Technology also has these products and services:

  • Recovery and Regularization of Fixed Asset Taxes
  • Fixed Assets Procedures Manual
  • SIGA – Asset Audit System with MOBILE technology
  • SAF WEB – Fixed Asset System, with WEB technology

How does outsourcing of fixed asset management work?

Step 1
Diagnosis of the current customer control scenario
Step 2
Analysis for creating control routines
Step 3
Hiring the professional to be outsourced
Step 4
Implementation of routines based on physical and accounting control for effective management

Technical Standards

Setape’s valuations are always carried out with strict observance of all guidelines set by the ABNT Standards – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards and Ibape Nacional – Brazilian Institute of Engineering Valuations and Expertise.

Why hire Setape?

Complete Advisory

The only company that performs all services of valuation of movable and immovable property, urban and rural, valuation of companies, and has support for asset control (fixed assets).

Proven Experience

With 45 years of activities and more than 80,000 services performed, it is the company with the most experience in evaluating the fixed assets market and in economic evaluations.

Qualified Team

It has its own team with more than a hundred professionals from all specialties.

Satisfied Customers

Quality of services proven by its customers

International Coverage

It belongs to the VRG – Valuation Research Group of international valuation companies with service coverage on all continents

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