Tecnologia Mobile para Gestão de Ativos EN - SETAPE

SIGA Mobile – Mobile Technology for Asset Management

Siga Mobile is a mobile technology for asset management that allows the realization of inventories and management of fixed assets online through the app or web.

Mobile Technology for Asset Management

We are constantly evolving, so we developed our SIGA Mobile APP, a mobile asset audit system for carrying out inventories and managing fixed assets. This technology brings agility to the entire asset inventory process, all work can be followed via the web in real time.

With SIGA Mobile it is possible to:

  • Control audits via web
  • Manage audits remotely
  • Perform partial and total audits of fixed assets
  • Marking the GPS position of fixed assets
  • Register photographs of fixed assets
  • Automatic and online reconciliation between physical assets and the accounting basis
  • Reports with the results of the audits
  • Possibility of integration with ERP systems
  • Simultaneous inventories using multiple surveyors

Do you know why you need an APP to track and audit your assets?

Nowadays, asset managers need agility to carry out an audit or inventory in addition to photographing and collecting the GPS position of the asset.

With our APP you will be able to get:

  • Agility in obtaining results
  • Have fixed assets in the palm of your hand
  • Monitor your audits in real time
  • View the progress of audits and inventories
  • Export monitoring reports
  • Integrate SIGA with its fixed asset system and ERP

In addition to SIGA Mobile, SETAPE Technology also has these products and services:

  • Fixed Assets Control System via web
  • Fixed Assets Procedures Manual
  • Recovery and Regularization of Fixed Asset Taxes
  • Outsourcing – Fixed Assets Property Control

How does SIGA Mobile work?

Step 1
In the WEB environment, asset data is collected (partial or total)
Step 2
In the APP these data are downloaded (download)
Step 3
The initial configuration of the audit location is made (Branch, cost center, department, etc.)
Step 4
The inventory/audit is started
Step 5
At the end of the audit, the synchronization process starts, the data is sent back to the server
Step 6
In the WEB environment, the data are visualized and can be corrected, reconciled by description and then sent to change the information collected to your asset management system and ERP

Technical Standards

Setape’s valuations are always carried out with strict observance of all guidelines set by the ABNT Standards – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards and Ibape Nacional – Brazilian Institute of Engineering Valuations and Expertise.

Why hire Setape?

Complete Advisory

The only company that performs all services of valuation of movable and immovable property, urban and rural, valuation of companies, and has support for asset control (fixed assets).

Proven Experience

With 45 years of activities and more than 80,000 services performed, it is the company with the most experience in evaluating the fixed assets market and in economic evaluations.

Qualified Team

It has its own team with more than a hundred professionals from all specialties.

Satisfied Customers

Quality of services proven by its customers

International Coverage

It belongs to the VRG – Valuation Research Group of international valuation companies with service coverage on all continents

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Do you want to receive more information about our Products and Services? Our team is ready to serve you.
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