By preparing a Business Plan with Setape, you are ensuring that your company’s Strategic Planning will be done correctly and accurately.
A business plan (or BP) is a structured guide in which the company describes its goals and details how it plans to achieve them.
Internally, the Business Plan is an action plan. It details the goals, and the resources and deadlines for achieving them. It is the result of the multidisciplinary work of the management team.
Externally, the Business Plan is a sales instrument. It is the vehicle for the company to obtain the necessary financial resources to carry out the proposed plan. It is a demonstration to potential investors or funders of the company’s ability to produce results and remunerate investors or pay their funders.
The elaboration of a Business Plan is a multidisciplinary and iterative process.
Each Business Plan has its specific characteristics and multiple alternative solutions for each stage. An example of how the process can be conducted is shown in the diagram below.
Management makes an initial proposal, such as, for example, building a new factory to expand the X product line.
Based on this initial proposal, the specialized teams (or service providers specifically hired) will work in each of the stages of the attached diagram, being fed by the result of the previous stages and feeding the subsequent stages. Conflicts and limits of all kinds (physical, technological, temporal, space, financial resources, environmental restrictions, etc.) are raised, discussed and reworked.
At the end of the process, a structured and coordinated project is obtained, and its economic and financial result. There are often alternative versions of the project that lead to different financial results, the final selection of which takes place at a later stage (in the discussion with investors, for example).
The final product of BP is the description of this whole chain of steps and the expected final result.
Setape’s valuations are always carried out with strict observance of all guidelines set by the ABNT Standards – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards and Ibape Nacional – Brazilian Institute of Engineering Valuations and Expertise.
The only company that performs all services of valuation of movable and immovable property, urban and rural, valuation of companies, and has support for asset control (fixed assets).
With 45 years of activities and more than 80,000 services performed, it is the company with the most experience in evaluating the fixed assets market and in economic evaluations.
It has its own team with more than a hundred professionals from all specialties.
Quality of services proven by its customers
It belongs to the VRG – Valuation Research Group of international valuation companies with service coverage on all continents
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